Investing in Pot or Profits
The facts about the cannabis industry and its companies taking your investments.

Seeds to CBD
Before you spend another dollar on bad cannabis consultants, seed suppliers, experts, media PLEASE watch this. Investors and Farmers this will be the best 30 minutes you have heard.

A Cannabis & Cocktails Networking Event

$70 per person. Includes 1 adult beverage, food, and entertainment.
No cannabis will be provided at this event.

Miss Perry and Her Purple Leaf (Interview)

Shanna Perry grew up, like most of us, entrenched in the underground cannabis scene. As a young adult, purchasing cannabis illegally was the only way to obtain it. And Perry, like most, was no stranger to the culture and lingo required to buy and sell.
Fast forward two decades and Perry, with over ten years of experience in the cannabis sector, has found her calling in hemp. And ironically, the product she produces which she refers to as hemp, plant-based botanical oil is simply a supplement that she and many others have been making in kitchens for years. The urgency to formulate her hemp-based product came as Perry’s mother was given a cancer diagnosis.