Oasis Medical Cannabis with Kama Star
Kama Star from Oasis Medical Cannabis stops by for some cannabis and coffee. We had a wonderful time enjoying some great products like BAM’s Rosin Rocket, vaporizing with O-Pen Vape and Calculus oil by Silver State Trading.

Neurology of Plant Politics
Recap of The Grove’s veterans event. NFL current and former players begin a THC oil study. Neurological disorders, PTSD, Epilepsy, Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, Dementia, Brain Trauma, Mentally Challenged.

Shannabis Education
You are watching the Shannabis blog I’m Shanna Perry. I figured this morning we would talk about some of the fundamentals of exactly what cannabis marijuana cannabis hemp and then go down a little brief history of what happened and where we are today. First off they’re three different types of cannabis there is cannabis hemp, cannabis marijuana and then there’s cannabis ruderalis, which we’ll discuss later. The most popular what you might know today is cannabis hemp. Hemp which is the male seed of cannabis Sativa, it grows very high, long, tall stocks and is very good for things like textiles and biofuels. Hemp can basically save our planet. Cannabis marijuana is the female seed that grows what we call flowers or buds. It is the most popular smoked or consumed part of the plant for the past millennia. Thousands of years ago the Chinese Emperors, back in 2900 BC/ 2700 BC used cannabis as medicine. Cannabis was used throughout their Empires as medically beneficial plants. I’m going to go ahead and fast-forward thousands and thousands of years to our first president George Washington.
Most of you know that he was a farmer and had a plantation but what you might not know is that he was a hemp farmer. He kept diaries about his passion for the medicine in his plants. Additionally, our Declaration of Independence written on hemp paper. In 1850 is when marijuana was put on US pharmacopeia and it listed numerous afflictions it was beneficial in treating.1964 was when THC was first discovered by a doctor in Isreal. THC is the psychoactive cannabinoid compound found in the cannabis plant . Potentially, there is over 1000 cannabinoids found within the cannabis plant. Currently, we’ve been able to identify somewhere around 250 and we only test for about 15 of them. With much of that science still out I look forward to watching it unfold.
In 1971 president Richard Nixon declared his War on Drugs. Marijuana was listed in schedule 1 substances along with LSD and heroin, showing no medical value. There’s many stories out there that say, doors were kicked into people’s houses like John Lennon and they were all arrested for drugs. You can’t arrest them for speaking out against the war, now can you? In 1986, Ronald Reagan signed the anti-Drug Act. It created mandatory minimum sentences for simple possession charges and also the 3 strike rule was born. If you get 3 recurring charges you’re gone for life. In 1990 cannabinoid receptors were discovered and then 1992 the discovery of the Endocannabinoid System followed.
The Endocannabinoid System is a system that resides in every living thing it is sitting there waiting to receive cannabinoids. We have something called CB1 and CB2 receptors, they work like a traffic light. Making sure that our brain synapses fire properly. We’re seeing all these benefits with utilizing cannabis because we have an endocannabinoid system. This is also why cannabis can not kill us. It physiologically impossible to die from marijuana. The poisonings that you hear about are basically getting high and you losing your mind a little bit or have a panic attack but you comeback. In 2000 is when Colorado and Nevada became the 7th and 8th state to legalize medical marijuana. 2003 was when the US received the patent for cannabinoids.
I remember when the vote was happening for legalization in Colorado in 2012, I was there. There was this energy in the air. People had lived next to medical marijuana dispensaries since 2008. The communities lived amongst the unregulated patient industry with the pot shops on the corner. The people witness how it made a positive impact on the community with jobs, medicine, economy and crime went down. Fast forward to where we are now Nevada, back in 2013 was when licensing happened in order to have a medical marijuana regulated state licensed businesses or Medical Marijuana Establishments. The MME’s have a license for cultivation (grow facility), production (processing facility), dispensaries (retail) or a testing laboratory.
Prior to allowing medical marijuana establishments in 2013 patients were allowed to grow there own medicine since medical marijuana legalization in 2000. Unlike California and Colorado, Nevada did not allow for the “patient donation” or a “commercial trade” marijuana collective style industry. Nevada is the very first completely regulated marketplace positioned for astonishing immediate growth. Currently, where we are is about 30 days from November 8th. Nevadans can vote to legalize recreational cannabis in our state. A portion of the tax money goes to schools. Because this is such a new market we don’t know everything. Everybody in the other states that have been conducting marijuana business was never regulated like a properly. Now those states have to go back words causing a very volatile situation like not getting the newly created mandated licenses. Also, our natural environment is full of pollutants that means outdoor grows will never pass the new laboratory testing restrictions that are getting mandated for all sales.

Introduction to Shannabis
Good morning, welcome to the first Shannabis video blog. I am Shanna Perry. I’m going to give you a little history about myself, my team and what it is we’re doing. I was born and raised in South Florida I move to Las Vegas in 1998. My background and education are a degree in audio engineering music production and management and a second degree in a broadcast. I was the events director for 5 CBS radio stations. Having navigated myself through social media since 2000, using my technological science education to navigate through this digital age of technology and business. Cannabis is very dear to my heart. I have been an advocate pretty much my whole life having studied the subject matter every day beginning 5 years ago and I continue to do so. We believe it’s a huge marketplace and looks forward to assistance those and all businesses through this digital madness to generate direct sales and best brand recognition.
Nelson Ramirez on my team he’s a great producer, videographer anything you need production-wise. We do everything from editing, voice overs, music, interview style pretty much all the video content that you would need. Shawn Meisser is our web guy he designs great website layouts as you can see at shannbis.com he has been active in helping many non-profits around the valley. Finally, Nina Bradley a woman who’s been a friend of mine for, wait not giving that up, a very long time. Nina will be working on sales, marketing and she will style you up hair and makeup have your video ready.
So going forward this blog is going to consist of education that I’ve been privy to through the cannabis world. Having educated myself on the medicinal uses, topics like the Endocannabinoid System, Cannabinoids. Awe you’ll get that later. You can get all of that educational or entertainment, whatever you would like. I hope you tune in! Check it out and see what we were talking about. I’d like to discuss all the current medical findings out there. We will get into some industry subject matter as well. We all have different educational paths and going into this emerging new marketplace with exponential growth opportunity, there’s a lot of questions that need to be answered. Navigating the path to find the right answers can be very tricky. I look forward to assisting with that through our consulting services. Additionally, I’ve been doing event planning with concerts to small parties, from my beginnings in Miami passing out flyers for big raves. I have thrown events for some local businesses as well. I look forward to helping with everything from the initial idea or concept to the execution of operations creating an amazing event.